Something that bothers me about psychiatry - among very, very many things that bother me about psychiatry - is that psychiatrists group brain malfunction (schizophrenia, postpartum psychosis) and moral malfunction (borderline personality disorder) together under the heading of "mental illness." These don't belong together. Furthermore, t…
Something that bothers me about psychiatry - among very, very many things that bother me about psychiatry - is that psychiatrists group brain malfunction (schizophrenia, postpartum psychosis) and moral malfunction (borderline personality disorder) together under the heading of "mental illness." These don't belong together. Furthermore, treating them as though they were the same type of thing removes the possibility of moral reform for the latter.
and the recognition that reform of narcissists is not possible within a human lifetime (that's part of the definition for ) and reform of psychopaths is not possible within the lifespan of the universe
I agree with you. As a Christian, I also believe that when the lifespan of the universe is played out, everything will be remade (reformed). It's really the only hope for the psychopath, et. al.
Something that bothers me about psychiatry - among very, very many things that bother me about psychiatry - is that psychiatrists group brain malfunction (schizophrenia, postpartum psychosis) and moral malfunction (borderline personality disorder) together under the heading of "mental illness." These don't belong together. Furthermore, treating them as though they were the same type of thing removes the possibility of moral reform for the latter.
and the recognition that reform of narcissists is not possible within a human lifetime (that's part of the definition for ) and reform of psychopaths is not possible within the lifespan of the universe
I agree with you. As a Christian, I also believe that when the lifespan of the universe is played out, everything will be remade (reformed). It's really the only hope for the psychopath, et. al.
one doesn't have to be a anything to agree with you there :)