I feel a little bit unsure about your reasoning. You made the same point a few times: "Computers can't think because they don’t have the hardware for thinking." and based it on the example of the man who lost his feelings and therefore agency and the idea that computers are only able to copy based on some previously provided data.

The fact that somebody lost his agency by loosing his feelings speaks very little of how an AI can work, since as far as I know current AI are not that close to how our brains work . AI seem to be also getting quite creative with games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu56xVlZ40M . I think that not having million years of evolution and little sociological context is an advantage for AI since it's not confined to conventional solutions.

I get the argument in general: AI is definitely going to be different than humans. It might not grasp the concepts of art (or a lot of other concepts we use daily) and even if it does, after learning on millions of examples, it will feel superficial for us.

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