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With almost any book, you can tell whether it's well written within a few minutes, and whether it's likely to be useful or interesting within half an hour. "Or interesting" is important because fiction and poetry often isn't "useful." Feedback from readers so far appears to indicate that https://theredquest.substack.com/p/free-book is useful to many of them.

I do like companionship with women... but I really like sex, too. The sex makes the companionship better. Couples who swap tend to have better companionship, https://theredquest.substack.com/p/couple-to-couple-dating-mechanics-and-keeping-a-texting-roster-for-sex-clubs

I'd not say sensual pleasure is *it* for me, but it's a big component, and most guys aren't good at making it happen, and have a severe deficit of it in their lives. Most women have a shortage of attractive, high-status men of the sort they'd like to experience sensual and other pleasures with. Red Quest and similar works help to reduce this gap. The burden of performance is most often on the guy. I'd be happy for things to be otherwise but haven't seen any real movement in that direction, ever.

For most men, it's challenging to learn how to competently and consistently unlock women. School ranges from "unhelpful" to "counterproductive" in this regard.

Different people also want different things at different times.

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>Couples who swap tend to have better companionship.

Are you sure about the causality there? Swapping probably requires good companionship.

I have to admit your equation works: Men are lonely and bored and want sex with young beautiful women - young women are lonely and bored and want to be entertained and seduced - if men learn to entertain and seduce young beautiful women, everyone gets less lonely and bored. Logically, it works perfectly.

The part I would like to take away is the preferences of young women. I don't doubt the truthfulness of what you say about them. I was a young women not a very long time ago and I saw that kind of mentality in aquaintances. Technically, you are entirely right that many beautiful young women want men to reward them for their beauty by entertaining and seducing them.

I just think those young women are wrong. That's why I asked if there is no resistance movement among females. I think young women need to be extremely aware that their good looks won't last forever. They will also get old and gray. When they successfully compete against 40-year-old women, in reality they compete against themselves 20 years later. That is just self-destructive. Instead, I think young women should start a self-improvement movement just like some young men have done and try to handle their self-destructive preferences.

The lazy preference to play too much computer games and eat too much junk food is self-destructive for men. The lazy preference to be entertained and seduced by men who have trained for the task is self-destructive for women. Instead, young women need to use their attractiveness wisely and consciously to attain an enormously difficult goal: To commit to men who will want to entertain them a bit also at 45. Falling in the trap to be massively entertained at 23 and not at all at 50 is just stupid. People want different things at different ages. And that is mostly self-destructive.

To my defence, I need to point out that young women are obviously not happy with things as they are. Rates of mental distress has soared among young women during the last decade. I'm sure the young beautiful women feel better and have a good time when they get entertained and seduced by someone who has specialized in making them feel good. But overall, they are on anxiety medication. I think they have very much to win from some self-improvement, also here and now.

This became a bit long, but it gave me an idea how to end my next blog post. Thank you for helping me thinking!

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>>Are you sure about the causality there? Swapping probably requires good companionship.

As with a lot of things, I think causality goes both ways (some of both). And maybe there are third causal factors at work, too.

Ppl who thrive in this world also usually have very good interpersonal skills, and that helps.

>>I just think those young women are wrong

That's possible and some do prioritize other things. I've written about some of them, like in https://theredquest.substack.com/p/priorities-and-what-you-bring-to-life . Like I write there, "they're not much discussed among the red pill / seduction / masculinity communities because they're mostly invisible to us."

And as for the guys...

"The guys who are in (basically) happy marriages don't have much to say because they're not out hitting the streets chasing strange puss, and they're not looking for deeper answers after seeing half their incomes diverted to their former spouses, and their former spouses's new boyfriend. The guys who are true players probably have good social skills and gym routines and would find much of the anger and hostility online to be strange and off putting (as I suspect a lot of the red pill / seduction guys are in real life)."

I've come to think a lot of sex / dating discourse is driven by the restless, the unsatisfied, the unreasonable, the outright crazy, the people with bad interpersonal skills, the people who can't compromise effectively, etc. Cause the people who are basically reasonable, monogamously inclined, and family oriented find what they want. And they go build civilization and such. While the lunatics get jobs in the media or spend all day on twitter.

>>This became a bit long, but it gave me an idea how to end my next blog post. Thank you for helping me thinking!

Looking forward to reading it.

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I like your stories about people. I read them as bedtime stories. But I must admit you have planted a new thing to worry about inside me: How many of the people who see me think: "She should have her face done?"

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You might like my stories about "Ms. Slav," who is the last woman I went "all in" with in sex parties and clubs, https://theredquest.substack.com/p/ms-slav-party-night

I should really collate all of those stories and put them in a proper order. She was a great chick! Too young for things to work out between us long term, but great.

>>How many of the people who see me think: "She should have her face done?"

Who cares? Your top priority in life is probably not "what do people think of my face?" Your top priority appears to be your kids.

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