Hunter-gatherer bands aside, the ever increasing size of human societies, first into villages of few hundreds, then into towns of few thousands, then into Rome like metropolises, then into empires and now world cities of tens of millions and nations like India of billion-plus----this is strong evidence that aggression towards parents and children is not a dominant force in past ten millennia.
Hunter-gatherer bands aside, the ever increasing size of human societies, first into villages of few hundreds, then into towns of few thousands, then into Rome like metropolises, then into empires and now world cities of tens of millions and nations like India of billion-plus----this is strong evidence that aggression towards parents and children is not a dominant force in past ten millennia.
Hunter-gatherer bands aside, the ever increasing size of human societies, first into villages of few hundreds, then into towns of few thousands, then into Rome like metropolises, then into empires and now world cities of tens of millions and nations like India of billion-plus----this is strong evidence that aggression towards parents and children is not a dominant force in past ten millennia.
Only if there are not even stronger forces that work in the opposite direction.