I wouldn't let him go that easily. If Christopher Langan really is high IQ, that is too interesting to be dismissed without solid proof.
And if he is a fraud, that would also make him both highly interesting and highly unusual. How could a man who couldn't pull himself through university and who couldn't get himself a good source of incom…
I wouldn't let him go that easily. If Christopher Langan really is high IQ, that is too interesting to be dismissed without solid proof.
And if he is a fraud, that would also make him both highly interesting and highly unusual. How could a man who couldn't pull himself through university and who couldn't get himself a good source of income deceive millions of people about his test-taking ability? That would clearly be worth a book of its own.
I wouldn't let him go that easily. If Christopher Langan really is high IQ, that is too interesting to be dismissed without solid proof.
And if he is a fraud, that would also make him both highly interesting and highly unusual. How could a man who couldn't pull himself through university and who couldn't get himself a good source of income deceive millions of people about his test-taking ability? That would clearly be worth a book of its own.