Huh, never heard it thought about that way. You're right and I'm the same way, I don't want to break the social contract lol, which is why the majority of people just acknowledge it and move on. And I think that's what the majority of trans people want, is just for people to acknowledge it and move on.
Huh, never heard it thought about that way. You're right and I'm the same way, I don't want to break the social contract lol, which is why the majority of people just acknowledge it and move on. And I think that's what the majority of trans people want, is just for people to acknowledge it and move on.
In my experience, trans people do feel like they've been put in a worse position because they've been born into the wrong bodies. They feel trapped and insecure, things that can be solved by people acknowledging their existence as a "he" or "she". Most understand that people don't need to call them by their preferred pronouns but are glad when they do because it fills the hole of validation in their own skin.
The extremes definitely blast the conversation in terms of "rights", which I don't think is valid. No one has a right to be nice to anyone else or to make anyone else feel comfortable. Something I've been thinking about is that because the actual trans population in the world is so so small, the more trans people that stick out as extremists blend the entirety of trans people together. Less people = greater percentage of people on the extreme ends.
Huh, never heard it thought about that way. You're right and I'm the same way, I don't want to break the social contract lol, which is why the majority of people just acknowledge it and move on. And I think that's what the majority of trans people want, is just for people to acknowledge it and move on.
In my experience, trans people do feel like they've been put in a worse position because they've been born into the wrong bodies. They feel trapped and insecure, things that can be solved by people acknowledging their existence as a "he" or "she". Most understand that people don't need to call them by their preferred pronouns but are glad when they do because it fills the hole of validation in their own skin.
The extremes definitely blast the conversation in terms of "rights", which I don't think is valid. No one has a right to be nice to anyone else or to make anyone else feel comfortable. Something I've been thinking about is that because the actual trans population in the world is so so small, the more trans people that stick out as extremists blend the entirety of trans people together. Less people = greater percentage of people on the extreme ends.