I purchased the book “Warriors and Worriers” you recommended and am loving it. Thank you for your article on it. I think you’re completely right about the anxiety level of hesitant mothers. When I think about family friends or colleagues with only a single child, they are inevitably some of the most anxious women I have met. Moreover, on…
I purchased the book “Warriors and Worriers” you recommended and am loving it. Thank you for your article on it. I think you’re completely right about the anxiety level of hesitant mothers. When I think about family friends or colleagues with only a single child, they are inevitably some of the most anxious women I have met. Moreover, once they have only a single child, they then paradoxically become even more nervous as they only have “one shot” and no other children in case something goes bad. So they vaxx up, mask up, and do all sorts of neurotic things to keep their one child “safe.” In a funny way, those moms with three or four kids are often very relaxed and nonchalant.
I purchased the book “Warriors and Worriers” you recommended and am loving it. Thank you for your article on it. I think you’re completely right about the anxiety level of hesitant mothers. When I think about family friends or colleagues with only a single child, they are inevitably some of the most anxious women I have met. Moreover, once they have only a single child, they then paradoxically become even more nervous as they only have “one shot” and no other children in case something goes bad. So they vaxx up, mask up, and do all sorts of neurotic things to keep their one child “safe.” In a funny way, those moms with three or four kids are often very relaxed and nonchalant.