No, that source is not very good, I just enjoyed the graphics. The text also says that foragers are always monogamous or serially monogamous, which is ljust mot true at all because there was an entire continent of foragers called Australia where people were polygyny was widely practiced.
I think that it would be better to say that monogam…
No, that source is not very good, I just enjoyed the graphics. The text also says that foragers are always monogamous or serially monogamous, which is ljust mot true at all because there was an entire continent of foragers called Australia where people were polygyny was widely practiced.
I think that it would be better to say that monogamy is good rather than saying that infidelity/poly is bad. If people forego polygamous temptation and focus their energies on building a good relationship with their partner and raising children together, I think they are worthy of some kind of... badge of honor. I think calling people boring/unnatural/lacking imagination or whatever for doing that, as some poly peolke do, is not fair. But also, if some people agree with each other to lead polygamous lives in any way and that works for them, that is great too. Live and let live.
If you agree with live and let live, maybe instead we are disagreeing about "socially enforced monogamy" means. At the second link Sheluyang Peng gave above, Peterson writes:
"The dangerousness of frustrated young men (even if that frustration stems from their own incompetence) has to be regulated socially. The manifold social conventions tilting most societies toward monogamy constitute such regulation... Normative monogamy seems to have important group-level benefits, and tends to reduce the kinds of harmful behaviors associated with greater intrasexual competition, among both males and females."
I don't interpret terms like "normative monogamy" as live and let live. When I read this, I immediately think about divorcees shunned from church congregations, men with STIs refusing to get tested to avoid social stigma, and pregnant young women ejected from their parents' homes:
It looks like this package is a bullet that Jordan Peterson is willing to bite for the sake of decreasing violence.
I think "socially encouraged monogamy" is a much nicer phrase than "socially enforced monogamy".
In general, I think you are bringing up a question that is both very interesting, important and difficult. I'm complaining that Western females compete in a toxic way through conspicuous beauty measures and casual sex offerings. But in other societies, females compete just as toxically over who is the most virtuous.
Finding a way to decrease a certain kind of competition without just replacing it with another kind of competition is equally difficult as important.
No, that source is not very good, I just enjoyed the graphics. The text also says that foragers are always monogamous or serially monogamous, which is ljust mot true at all because there was an entire continent of foragers called Australia where people were polygyny was widely practiced.
I think that it would be better to say that monogamy is good rather than saying that infidelity/poly is bad. If people forego polygamous temptation and focus their energies on building a good relationship with their partner and raising children together, I think they are worthy of some kind of... badge of honor. I think calling people boring/unnatural/lacking imagination or whatever for doing that, as some poly peolke do, is not fair. But also, if some people agree with each other to lead polygamous lives in any way and that works for them, that is great too. Live and let live.
If you agree with live and let live, maybe instead we are disagreeing about "socially enforced monogamy" means. At the second link Sheluyang Peng gave above, Peterson writes:
"The dangerousness of frustrated young men (even if that frustration stems from their own incompetence) has to be regulated socially. The manifold social conventions tilting most societies toward monogamy constitute such regulation... Normative monogamy seems to have important group-level benefits, and tends to reduce the kinds of harmful behaviors associated with greater intrasexual competition, among both males and females."
I don't interpret terms like "normative monogamy" as live and let live. When I read this, I immediately think about divorcees shunned from church congregations, men with STIs refusing to get tested to avoid social stigma, and pregnant young women ejected from their parents' homes:
It looks like this package is a bullet that Jordan Peterson is willing to bite for the sake of decreasing violence.
I think "socially encouraged monogamy" is a much nicer phrase than "socially enforced monogamy".
In general, I think you are bringing up a question that is both very interesting, important and difficult. I'm complaining that Western females compete in a toxic way through conspicuous beauty measures and casual sex offerings. But in other societies, females compete just as toxically over who is the most virtuous.
Finding a way to decrease a certain kind of competition without just replacing it with another kind of competition is equally difficult as important.